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The new standard for insufflation and surgical leak detection
Qaelon’s innovative leak detection technology creates $1B+ market for life-saving surgical leak detection, while disrupting $1.6B surgical insufflation market.
First and only surgical platform that combines real-time detection of life-threatening surgical leaks and state of the art surgical insufflation.
Patented solution replaces error-prone analog visual tests with standardized methodology that utilizes digital sensors and proprietary software, leveraging advanced data algorithms to quickly and reliably detects tiny leaks (<1mm) that other methods often miss.
Rapid detection (<1 minute) enables surgical teams to take IMMEDIATE corrective actions to reduce $1.1 Billion annual expense to treat surgical leaks (U.S.).
Extensive pre-clinical data confirms broad applications in laparoscopic, endoscopic and robotic surgery.

Qaelon Medical, IHU, 1 Place de l’Hôpital
67091 Strasbourg, France
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